Value Architecture Design y consultoría BIM with a sustainable approach.
Urban design

Public spaces are frequently subject to the overlapping responsibilities of multiple agencies or authorities and the interests of nearby property owners, as well as the requirements of multiple users. Therefore the design, construction and administration of the public space, demands consultation and negotiation between a variety of spheres. It typically requires multidisciplinary collaboration with balanced representation from multiple fields, including la engineering, ecology, local history and planning del urban transport.
Alan Enríquez considers the following aspects for the proposals to his clients:
urban structure: How the places are positioned together and how the parts interrelate with each other.
Typology, density y sustainability urbana: types of spaces and morphologies related to intensity of use, consumption of resources, production and maintenance of viable communities.
Accessibility: Provide an easy and safe option to move between spaces.
Legibility and guidance: Helping people find their way and understand how the space works.
Animation: Design spaces to stimulate public activity.
Mix of complementary uses: Location of activities that allow constructive interaction between them.
Characterization y significance: Recognize and value the differences between one space and another.
Continuity and change: locating people in time and space, including with regard to heritage and support for contemporary culture.
Civil society: Make spaces where people are free to meet each other as civic equals, an important component in the construction of social capital.